Ryan Crysler
Ryan Crysler
Senior Instructor and Coach Ryan Crysler is a trusted advisor to tournament players in professional, collegiate and amateur golf at Butch Harmon Floridian. Ryan works best with self-motivated players open to challenge, structure, and a team atmosphere. A perfect day at the training facility involves challenging a small team of players, watching them develop in their own way, and seeing them find success on and off the golf course.
Ryan focuses on simplifying concepts, organization, athletic performance, proper equipment and shot by shot analytics on the course as in practice. Ryan's business and coaching supports the Folds of Honor.
Recognized as a Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher in the state of Florida, Ryan works on a team of coaches that includes Claude Harmon III, Dr. Nico Darras, Matt Gallant, and Josh Littell... all TPI Certified.
Ryan’s current project TeamFLO implements team training concepts into what was once an individualized sport.
Ryan is a Cobra Golf and Arccos Ambassador and assists in the development and promotion of golf’s first AI performance and accountability platform.
Quick Hits
SMU ‘99
Political Science
Worked with Claude at Austin Golf Club in 2005
Career Low 64
Ryan is the GamePlan coordinator for TeamFLO.
Total Game Evaluation
Total Game Evaluation
Ryan’s Total Game Evaluation features a complete assessment of your game tee to green, fitness performance, and equipment performance. The Total Game Evaluation provides a road map to achievement and is primarily utilized for your first experience at Butch Harmon Floridian.
Designed for tournament players or players seeking a significant improvement in their game, the TGE establishes a working team concept using scheduling, blueprinting and input from fitness and medical professionals.
Ryan’s Role on TeamFlo
Ryan’s Role on TeamFlo
Ryan oversees swing concepts, game-planning, analytics, schedule optimization, tournament skills weapons tests and conducts the weekly scrimmage events.